helapordo 1.4.12
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CArtifactRepresents the entity initialised from a artifactClass
 CBaseStatsHolds the base stats for a fighterClass
 CBossRepresents the entity initialised from a bossClass
 CBossBaseStatsHolds the base stats for a bossClass
 CChestRepresents the entity initialised from a chestClass
 CConsumableHolds a certain qty of a consumableClass
 CcountStatsHolds the lifetime stats of the player
 CEnemyRepresents the entity initialised from a enemyClass
 CEnemyBaseStatsHolds the base stats for a enemyClass
 CEquipRepresents the entity initialised from a equipClass
 CEquipslotRepresents the entity containing an Equip instance
 CFighterRepresents the entity initialised from a fighterClass
 CFloorRepresents the entity initialised from a floorClass
 CFoePartyRepresents the entity initialised from a foePartyClass
 CFoePartyBaseStatsHolds the base stats for a foePartyClass
 CGameOptionsHolds options useful for user runtime preferences
 CGamestateHolds arguments for a game
 CHLPD_DirectionalKeysHolds a set of HLPD_Key to use for cardinal direction movement
 CHLPD_KeyHolds info about a keybind for the game
 CloadInfoContains loaded values to pass to initRoom()
 CNotificationHolds text for a notification
 CPathHolds the state of game progression
 CPerkRepresents the entity initialised from a perkClass
 CRoadforkRepresents the entity initialised from a roadforkClass
 CRoomRepresents the entity initialised from a roomClass
 CSaveHeaderSave header
 CSaveslotHolds arguments for a saveslot
 CSerArtifactSerialized Artifact
 CSerBossSerialized Boss
 CSerChestSerialized Chest
 CSerConsumableSerialized Consumable
 CSerCountstatsSerialized countStats
 CSerEnemySerialized Enemy
 CSerEquipSerialized Equip
 CSerEquipslotSerialized Equipslot
 CSerFighterSerialized Fighter
 CSerFloorSerialized Floor
 CSerFoePartySerialized FoeParty
 CSerGameOptionsSerialized GameOptions
 CSerGamestateSerialized Gamestate
 CSerPathSerialized SerPath
 CSerPerkSerialized Perk
 CSerRoadforkSerialized Roadfork
 CSerRoomSerialized Room
 CSerSaveHeaderSerialized save header
 CSerSaveslotSerialized Saveslot
 CSerShopSerialized Shop
 CSerSkillslotSerialized Skillslot
 CSerSpecialslotSerialized Specialslot
 CSerTreasureSerialized Treasure
 CSerTurncounterSerialized Turncounter
 CSerWinconSerialized Wincon
 CShopRepresents a shop instance
 CSkillslotHolds state for a skillType
 CSpecialslotHolds state for a Fighter specials
 CTreasureRepresents the entity initialised from a treasureClass
 CTurncounterRepresents the entity initialised from a CounterType
 CturnOP_argsHolds arguments for a turnOption_OP
 CWinconDefines the entity initialised from a winconClass